The Dallas County Freedom Rock

Ray Sorensen painted his very first Freedom Rock in 1999, and he repaints most of that special one every year in time for Memorial Day–to thank American veterans and families for their service and sacrifice. It’s located just south of I-80 along Highway 25 between Menlo and Greenfield.

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Plans began in the spring when Dennis Allen of Herndon donated a granite boulder from rural Perry. He and Steve Salzer of Perry transported it to the Minburn site.

He’s been painting Freedom Rocks in Iowa’s 99 counties ever since. The Dallas County Freedom Rock is his 82nd in Iowa.FrRock5 (2)

Each Freedom Rock is covered by an American flag mantle, the banner these men served under and which protects all Americans.

Freedom Tour truck provided by the Deb and Jeff Hansen Foundation.


Ray Sorensen worked in sweltering 90 degree temperatures during one week in July.
Ray Sorensen at work. July 22, 2019. Photo by Larry Cornelison.
The Wilson brothers of Dallas County, Iowa, sons of Clabe and Leora Wilson of Minburn: Donald, Delbert, Dale, Daniel, Junior. Five served. Only two came home.
Nile Kinnick and Bob Feller, both nationally known athletes, are featured on the north side of the Dallas County Freedom Rock. July 23, 2019. Photo by Larry Cornelison.

July 23, 2019. Photos by Larry Cornelison.

A storyboard will give more details about the men featured Freedom Rock, as well as other Dallas County heroes. The sidewalk is finished, and a flag pole and landscaping will be added this fall.

The Minburn American Legion Osborne Post #99 sponsored the project. Fund raisers were throughout the county for this outstanding and creative way to remember and honor our veterans.

Plans are in the works for a fall dedication ceremony.

What a compelling news story about the Sorensen family from 2014.


  1. It is wonderful that someone uses his talent and takes the time to do such remarkable work for his state. Others would be wise to use Ray as a role model!!

  2. This so beautiful. What a talented young man. Thank you for the picture of my Dad and his brothers

  3. Once upon a time, I dated a 4-H boy from Sully. I’m glad to see one of the Freedom Rocks is there, in my home county of Jasper. It’s a wonderful project. I’m hoping to visit the area in the next year, and to tend to my parents’ graves in Newton. If I do, I’ll be sure to make a side trip, to see “our” rock.

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