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Stonehenge – Twice

Two outvoted three – 1988

The summer son Dan was thirteen, we visited his aunt and uncle (Lois and David) in Kings Lynn, England, which included being tourists. Dan wanted to see a Dr. Who display in London, eat at their Hard Rock Cafe, and see Stonehenge.

Lois and David told Guy that Stonehenge was just a bunch of rocks. Lois’s brother, who I was married to, agreed with them. When I broke the news to Dan that we might have to skip Stonehenge, he asked why we’d go all that way and not get to experience it. I was on his side.

Somehow we outvoted the other three.

I have no idea why we didn’t get better photos, at least a group one. The top one is Dan, me, and brother-in-law David Kail. Dan, age 13, is in the bottom one.

June 17, 1988, “We got caught in traffic on the London orbital, but finally got around it. We zipped over a hill and there it was on the top of the next – much more impressive than we feared. . . . Two jackdaws were nesting there.”

Arriving from the east, our view was spectacular, with the historic grey stones arranged in the distance on a flat plain, with a sprinkling of white sheep in the foreground.

In spite of being patrolled by helicopter, there is a certain ambiance to the place. Even the three naysayers would agree.

It was a humid day. Before leaving we ate ice cream in the shade of a hawthorn bush and talked to a taxi driver. “W’ll, now that you’ve seen Stonehenge, can ya die happy now?” I had to laugh, but answered yes! At least Dan could cross off one thing on his bucket list, and so could his mom.

Doris and Darlene – 1997

Mom and Aunt Darlene were the first in the family to see where their younger brother, Danny Wilson, is buried in an overseas cemetery in eastern France. Guy and I were their backup crew, October 1997. Our travel agent asked the sisters, farm women who were in their late 70s, what else they’d like to see, since this would probably be their only overseas trip.

Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, Versailles, Normandy were on the list. What about London? Sure–Tower of London, Westminster Abbey for a service, a ride on the Thames. Mom wanted to see Bath, and added that since her grandson had seen Stonehenge, she didn’t want to miss it.

October 14, 1997

Stonehenge didn’t disappoint this time either. We all framed this photo when we got home, to remind us of the entire incredible trip.

Doris and Darlene’s 1997 journey to France.

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