Site icon Joy Neal Kidney

Husky, Wilson’s Pet German Shepherd

When Wilsons lived SE of Dexter, Clabe saw an ad for a German Shepherd pup. He wrote to ask if the owner would take a revolver in trade, the one he’d used as a night watchman. The deal was made so Clabe mailed the firearm, and the pup arrived on the train.

They named it Husky for Beatty’s dog, which had accompanied Clabe from 1921-1925, when he made rounds as the Stuart nightwatchman.

A German Shepherd’s ears stand up, alert. Husky’s didn’t. Clabe wrote the seller about the ears. He suggested rubbing them. They did, but Husky’s ears always lopped over, left ear forward, right ear cocked back. They loved him anyway.

The new pet liked Leora best and minded her, probably because she was the one who fed him.

Husky flinched when he saw a gun and didn’t like to go hunting. During a thunderstorm, he’d push into the house and hide under the big round table. Leora told the kids to just leave him alone, that he’d be okay once the storm was over.

He’d follow the Wilson school bus buggy and sneak into the school. One time the teacher allowed him to lie by Delbert and Donald at their desks. Once he found Doris in first grade. He lay by her desk until recess, when Doris was mortified that he scattered sand out of the sandbox.

Nancy pulled the “school bus buggy” with Delbert, Doris, and Donald. Delbert left the horse in a barn, which belonged to their landlord, which was near the school.

Doris and Donald rode in a one-seat buggy with their dad two or three miles south to get a black and white rat terrier pup as a companion for Husky. Donald got to hold it on their way home. They named it Tricks. Tricks liked to hunt and was bossy. When the dogs would come upon some prey, Husky would let Tricks catch it. Even if Husky had a varmint in his mouth, Tricks growled until Husky gave it up.

Delbert with Tricks, Husky, Donald. SE of Dexter. About 1925.

Tricks died after being hit by a car. The whole family grieved, especially Doris.

Husky moved with the family to south of Dexter on Old Creamery Road in 1926, to the Peyton Acreage on the south edge of Dexter in 1927, and to the Hammond House in town in early 1929. The Great Depression has already begun for the Wilson family.

A farmer in the area discovered dog tracks when he tried to determine what was killing his sheep. I wonder if Clabe suspected Husky. One night he caught the Shepherd leaving after the family was in bed, and found the Husky’s tracks leading to the farm. He talked with Leora about having no money to pay for the dead sheep.

While the kids were at school, Clabe shot and buried their pet dog.

While the whole family grieved, according to oldest son Delbert, it was especially hard on Clabe.


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