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Leora’s Letters: Radio Interviews

Maxwell & Friends

My very first interview about Leora’s Letters was on Maxwell & Friends on WHO-Radio Saturday morning December 7, 2019. Early that morning, the Dallas County Freedom Rock had just been crashed into and toppled!

Only Maxwell and his son Alex Schaeffer were in the studio, so things were very laid back, and Max is such a pro, making my very first interview such fun. I wasn’t nervous at all.

With Maxwell Schaeffer. Guy said that these days he feels like the chauffeur on “Driving Miss Daisy,” even though I could get to the WHO studios just fine by myself.

Van and Bonnie

The next week, I had a short interview with Van Harden, who wrote the Foreword to Leora’s Letters. The Machine Shed said they had a lot of people ask for the book after hearing this interview.

With Bonnie Lucas and Van Harden of Van and Bonnie, who have been radio personalities forever, on WHO from 4:59 to 9:00 every weekday. They are such fun, and even have fans who listen to the Van and Bonnie sign-in, even calling themselves “4:59ers.”

John Busbee

John Busbee of KFMG-FM Radio taped an interview with me at Mainframe Studios for The Culture Buzz. John interviews authors regularly, as part of his weekly show. He’s so professional and encouraging, making it such a rewarding experience that I felt like a real author. Amazing and humbling.

John Busbee’s cockpit at Mainframe Studios. In the last picture, he’s pulled up the landing page of my website.

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