Site icon Joy Neal Kidney

300th Blog Post

I’d planned to highlight my 300th blog post, but it happened before I realized it.

Very early in the process of wrestling the Wilson family WWII story into something publishable, I was shocked at all I was going to need to leave out.

The first thing was all the research I’d done. I just had to learn all I can about the brothers who were lost, and requested casualty documents, MACRs (Missing Aircraft Reports), missions reports. Joining unit reunion groups, I had access to addresses of men who served with the brothers. They were so generous with their memories, photos, and even one man sent a photocopy of his entire combat diary.

But my grandparents never knew about any of this information. Neither did Mom and her surviving siblings until I began to share it with them.

When I discovered blogging, I realized it was a way to share the stories and information I’d need to leave out of Leora’s Letters: The Story of Love and Loss for an Iowa Family During World War II. It’s her story.

Grandma Leora Wilson left us her hand-written memoirs. Between hers and Mom’s stories, I’ll be writing and blogging for a long time. Their Depression Era years (set in Dexter, Iowa) are also poignant. Every week, my Monday and Friday posts are usually about the Wilson family.

Wednesdays I’ve been sharing books that I’ve especially enjoyed, which are mostly nonfiction.

During “museum season,” a post about Dexter History shows up on Thursday, which is when I do a little “ad” to remind people that the museum is open Sunday afternoons.

According to WordPress stats, I’ve published 300 posts in 2 1/2 years. (I’d actually started with Weebly two years earlier, but it was so hard to work with.) WordPress also says I have 27 stories scheduled to post–well into November. And 68 drafts started.

My website doesn’t have that many subscribers, and even fewer who actually interact with each post, but I also share most posts across social media.


I didn’t expect to enjoy Pinterest, but I like the way the Categories are displayed on it. These photos are linked to the WWII stories on my website.


I enjoy posting something on Instagram nearly every day. Most are connected with my website, but some are just for fun. Strangely, I have more “lurkers” on Instagram than anywhere else.


Facebook refers more people, by far, to my website than any other “search engine.” And my feedback shows up on Facebook page instead of on my website.

Meanwhile, I’ve “met” such awesome people through all of this, and I’m having such fun with it.

I’m humbled and thankful for my on-line cheerleaders in this life chapter’s new journey.

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